Sunday, October 31, 2010

Stress ~ Need Enzymes?

Digestive enzymes must be present in the upper GI tract and organs for breakdown of proteins, carbohydrates, fats and sugars (cell food). The breakdown of essential nutrients is only half of the process. Once our foods are broken down we still have to deliver the nutrients to the cells of the body. Many biochemical reactions are needed for this to occur unhindered.

Stress is an enzyme destroyer! When your body registers stress, whether internal, external or both, your adrenals are told by the brain to produce the hormone, Cortisol, in attempts to balance out the recent influx of stress. Cortisol competes in the digestive tract for Hydrochloric Acid (Hcl). The more Cortisol, the less digestive enzymes to break down our food. Now picture a scenario of a high stress day, running late, eating something fast (muffin and latte/espresso) on the go, meeting after meeting, late picking up the kids, dinner has to be fast food so the kids can get dropped off at sports ~ and you have a recipe for digestive upset, breakdown, lack of nutrients, beginning of disease and/or symptoms. Sound familiar????

Knowing simple facts about the physiological process of digestion is half the battle. Understanding what foods have naturally occurring enzymes is extremely helpful and lessens supplement intake. Ingesting the proper foods and/or whole food enzyme supplements during times of stress is very wise. Our bodies struggle to keep up with the demands of our society and lifestyles ~ we must learn balance and compensation to avoid the traps of health crises we see today that have become so common and accepted as "normal".

There is a BETTER WAY ~ there is HOPE ~ there is HELP!!! Whether you currently have symptoms or not, you have stress!! Be proactive ~ the results and healing happen much faster, easier, more cost effective and truly halt the road to dysfunction, disease, etc.

The body has over 3,000 enzymes that we know of so let us help you determine which ones you may need ~ call Valeo today to schedule a consult to determine what enzyme(s) you may need. Take advantage of our special $25 off your initial appointment this month!!

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