Monday, November 15, 2010

Ascorbic Acid For Basal Cell Carcinoma

In the summer of 2009, I noticed a sore on my fore head. At first I thought it was a pimple. I would pick at it but it coming back. I soon noticed that it would start to bleed and it would not stop. In chiropractic school we took a dermatology course and I remember these symptoms being similar to basal cell carcinoma. I was not sure what to do about it.

I went back to my old text books and went online to refresh my memory. I did remember that this form of cancer is very slow growing and it is very uncommon that it would spread to other areas of the body. The reason for this is that the body forms a sort of callus around it and walls it off. This is good for not spreading but bad in that your body has a hard time getting at it to get rid of it.

As with all types of cancer you really should not just address the area with cancer but also look at your entire body as to why you would get cancer. With that being said I focused on making sure my immune system and nervous system were functioning at a high level. Both of these play a huge part in fighting off cancer. I could tell that as I did this my body started functioning better. I also addressed any
emotional stressors both past and present as they too can play a huge part in cancer. Unfortunately as I did this the basal cell area was growing, in fact it was fairly big and was not decreasing.

I consulted a friend of mine who is a dermatologist. I also talked with my wife's stepfather who is a medical doctor specializing in elderly care. Both of them told me I need to get it cut off. My friend even told me that there was no other way to get rid of it other then to cut it out. By this point I was ready to do this as it had gotten bigger and would not stop bleeding when irritated. I decided to do some more research and see what other people had tried other than cutting it off. I came across many people who said that they had used ascorbic acid. Unfortunately there were no protocols other than put it on and it will fall off. So off to Lakewinds to get some Ascorbic acid.

Ascorbic acid is one part of vitamin C. It looks very similar to sugar and is even somewhat sweet. It is what most vitamin companies use to create Vitamin C supplements. When I first put it on it burned pretty good. I was putting it on 3-4 times/day. It burned each time. Which to me was good because it felt like it was doing something. For the first few days the now hole in my forehead was getting bigger. I was not sure if this was good. Over the next few weeks I kept putting it on. Eventually it no longer burned but I still had a large hole in my forehead.

I really thought it hadn't worked and that I was going to need to get it cut off. At this point I stopped using the Vitamin C and did nothing. The crazy thing is that it started healing then. After that one of the other practitioners in the office gave me a print out from a medical doctor who is also a naturopath. It had more details on what to expect when using Ascorbic acid for Basal Cell Carcinoma. It also explained how long it would take and had a protocol. What I did not realize is that once the Ascorbic acid kills the cancer cells, you can stop putting it on and then let it heal. Which is finally what I did, not out of protocol but out of frustration.

I am grateful that it is finally healed. Unfortunately I do have a scar on my forehead from it. I feel that if I would have used the Ascorbic acid right away, I would not have a scar as it was so much smaller at the start. After going through this, I learned how to get rid of Basal Cell Carcinoma naturally but I had to go through so much to find this out. My hope is that this article can help others who are looking for options in dealing with Basal Cell Carcinoma. I am not telling you that the taking the natural path is the "right" path but it is the path God lead me down and He honored it by healing me.

Dr. Aaron Morland


  1. Doing my own research now and stumbled upon your article. Thank you. I have been experiencing the same things you described. I have a "hole" where I was applying the vitamin C on my forehead. It's getting better now. It itches a little and I take that to mean something good. I think it's normal for the site to feel itchy when it's healing.

  2. This article doesn't say how to determine when you can stop applying the vitamin C. The author says he got a printout explaining the protocol and when to stop, but doesn't share that with us. Just because the stinging stops doesn't mean that there couldn't still be cancer a little further down that needs more soaking to reach it, and if you don't it could regrow upwards again. The author appears to have abandoned this blog, so I don't expect an answer.

  3. It is critical to use a mineral ascorbate form of Vitamin C (e.g. sodium ascorbate), rather than ascorbic acid. Absorbic acid is useless in the body until it mixes with minerals and becomes a mineral ascorbate. However, when applying Vitamin C to skin cancer, an ascorbic acid has not had the opportunity to convert into a mineral ascorbate. Thus, ONLY A MINERAL ASCORBATE will be effective against skin cancer.

  4. How long do you continue to use the vitamin c?

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